Saturday, April 23, 2005

My Current TV List of Lists

...I think the following are

Over-Rated But Everyone Else Seems to Think They Rock:
1. Desperate Housewives (who are these people and why should I care?)
2. The O.C. (ditto)
3. The Family Guy (should have stayed canceled)
Mitigating factor: Sex in the City is cancelled (I mean, retired)

Shows that I Build My Schedule Around:
1. Sealab 2021/Aqua Teen (the funniest shows on)
2. Deadwood (the smartest show on)
3. The Shield (best non-HBO crime drama)
Hon. Mention: Lost (seems to be losing it, though, a la Twin Peaks)

Shows That I Don't Turn Off But Probably Should Because They're Kinda Lame
1. Joan of Arcadia (if only highschoolers were this smart...)
2. Apprentice (love to hate Trump and watch people get broken by him at the same time)
3. CSI (The original natch; the others suck worse)
Saved Round: OK, OK, I watch Amazing Race, too

Old Favorites:
1. South Park (up and down)
2. The Simpsons (ditto)
3. Malcolm in the Middle (under-looked comic ensemble)

Anxiously Awaiting the Return of:
1. The Larry David show (what an asshole)
2. Sopranos
3. Arrested Development

what are yours?


Blogger Becky said...

By Larry David show, do you mean "Curb Your Enthusiasm"? I love that show, too. It's the only TV show I've rented from Netflix. Netflix fills my time so well that I don't watch cable or broadcast TV.

9:27 AM  
Blogger Jim H said...

thank you my only reader. Yes I meant Larry David. So tell me are you on the 3-movie plan or what?

I guess I'm guilty of still watching TV. You might want to consider renting season one of arrested development if you liked curb your enthusiasm.

4:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

family guy is better than malcom in the middle. come on now.

10:12 PM  

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